winter's over, the behemoth google is killing blogger ftp, and a facebook birthday
Listening to: | 13th Floor Elevators, Baby Blue |
Reading: | Going Out Green, natural burial |
Weather: | rainy, 40's |
I know, the vernal equinox is not until March 20, more than a week away. And it may yet snow, it snows in spring, if you're lucky on your peas right after they start to come up, but I'm saying winter's wintriness is O VER. Whew.
Bit of a rough winter around here. So much snow. Over 200 inches here total in my yard, I believe. Not all at once, of course, but it almost never got above freezing for nearly 2 solid months, so the many times it snowed 18+ inches in a day or two that stuff just stayed and stayed. It went all the way up above the side mirror on my old truck for weeks. There was much shoveling and gnashing of teeth. Well, much shoveling and a a little gnashing of teeth, anyway.
I mostly did enjoy it, since the weather pattern kindly broke at least ever 5 days or so enabling me to get out for supplies (kerosene, apple juice, onions, asian pears, chicken, rice, etc.). And my power didn't go out more than a flickr all winter. Astounding, considering the very heavy snows that just kept dragging down the branches of my Norway spruces to the ground. They groaned with joy when it got windy and cold enough to blow the stuff off and release them from all that gravity. Lots of the snows were mostly fluffy, relatively easy to shovel or sweep, but 2 feet of even the fluffiest stuff is heavy.
Larry's got blooming crocuses today, and I heard the peepers in the background of our phone conversation yesterday while he was in Philippi. Once it warms up enough on a night I'll be hearing those peepers in my meadow by the creek. Everything is mud from the melting of the snowpack and heavy rains are on the way tonight. Peepers love that stuff. Jacki had a robin spotting just over the hill on Halleck yesterday, so I'm expecting one of those today or tomorrow, too. Coltsfoot is probably already blooming close by, but I haven't looked hard yet.
Enough waxing on about the welcome arrival of spring. Let's rant for a bit. Fuckin Big Brother Google keeps taking over my favorite applications and killing or maiming them. Their latest salvo is deprecating the ftp function on Blogger. Of course that is how I've been publishing this blog since its birth over 9 years ago. Believe me, I'm addicted to many Google apps but it's not cuz I drank the googley koolaid, it's because they keep acquiring all my favorite independent web apps and ruining them in the name of freedom. Bastards. Many of these apps I was happily even paying a reasonable fee for till they ate them, killed all the best functions, and made it free for the masses. Nice for the free masses, not nice for me. I guess I should be happy to share, being the commie I am, but maybe it's time we shared what got of yours cuz we done shared all of mine. Oh, and they gave me less than 2 months to find a solution before it's dead, kaput. Nice.
Whine, bitch, whatev. I'll just find a few hours to buckle down and figure out the technology of my options and try not to kill it all getting to the next iteration.
So have you had a birthday since you actively joined Facebook and collected a boatload of FB friends? Holy shit. It's pretty cool, if not a bit overwhelming. People you haven't seen in the flesh in decades will wish you timely warm salutations! They'll give you virtual gifties! It's all rather groovy, really. Makes me want to endeavor to check FB at least once every day to see if I have a friend with a birthday to shoutout to. A few things about FB are kinda sucky, like finding out one of your friends is a right-wing nutcase, or a racist, or something similarly heinous, but this birthday thing is the shizzle.
Sweet sweet saturday morning, grooving to psychedelic rock streaming from (thanks, wally!), burning some toast, anticipating a cool cello rock show tonight at Monroe's in Kingwood, and a fairly vast open space of a day ahead to frolic in. I should do something righteous to deserve such a tasty day.
posted by cat 8:13 AM